Minggu, 13 September 2009

hey baby..!!

hello morning..

well, it is still dark out there.. I have just finished my sahur , having ayam kemangi for my menu. My mother in law's cooking..

Someone said.. (actually posted some shout out for their facebook status.. :-D , yes..i am still into facebook) every Ramadhan, he always feels some very familiar orbs , some positive energy we couldn't find a word to express..

Well.. i do feel the same way..

Some call it memento.. or dejavu.. there are many other words, but i forget.. :-p

All of the sudden, every time i wait for adzan subuh, i always get this pictures of some part of my life flashing in front of my mind..

Some from my very childhood.. to be specific, my elementary school years, when woke up for sahur always been such a hard time for me back then, i preferred stay in bed and continued dreaming about some silly stuff..

And then my junior high school.. where i started thinking (or trying hard to think) as a grown up while i still wasn't at all..

ahhhh... those days.. such dreamy days, i think (now)..

times when being loved by a boy could make my heart go gaga and the presence of the boy created goosebumps and made my feet so helpless i couldn't stand up straight..

But the time the boy tried hard to kiss me, i was horrified and ran away.. :-D

(awww...how innocent you must have think.. )

Well...there's a song quoted.."first love never dies"..maybe it's true..

I dont know.. the love (or well, maybe we can't really describe it as"love" ya.. ), or whatever feeling it was, it was so pure..

..the feeling of a little girl, knowing nothing about romance but was being so dreamy about romance she didn't know what it was..

and yuppp.... i can really FEEL that feeling every Ramadhan.. specifically, at sahur time..

Hhhhh... now, now.. i am being dreamy again..

I am very sleepy, but now i have to take wudhu and shalat subuh dulu.. ;-b

And after then, i will continue my dreamy dream, maybe for an hour or two, before i take a bath and ready to go to my Mom's house (my childhood home).. aaahhh, i miss you so much, Mother..

And yes.. i will take Brandon as well...

Wait.. who's Brandon again..???... i'll tell you, on my next post.. ;-D

Good morning,

